Devolder: Operating Issues With Bear-Proof Dumpsters

2022-07-29 22:59:35 By : Mr. Hooke Zhao


A new, tan bear-proof dumpster is located west of Fuller Lodge. The dumpster has a number of issues which require attention:

1) There are no instructions (that is, printed instructions or a graphic) on how to open the doors on top of the dumpster. This has led users to discard garbage in the adjacent blue recycle dumpster (for example, black plastic bags containing garbage, broken glass, and yard trimmings). The bear-proof dumpster is provided with two each steel doors on top of the dumpster. There is a “C”-shaped channel attached to the top of each door. Beneath the C-Channel is a paddle-type latch (or slam-type latch). (Note: An image of a paddle-type latch is available on the internet.) To open a door requires inserting your hand into the C-shaped channel. (Note: Access is to the C-shaped channel is from the side of the dumpster not the middle.) Below the C-shaped channel is a well-type-depression which provides access to the paddle latch. It is necessary to pull upward on one side of the paddle latch. Movement of the paddle latch disengages a latch bar inside the dumpster. While holding the paddle latch upward, pull the dumpster door upward. To open the left-hand door on the dumpster, it helps to hold the paddle latch upward with your left hand and lift up on the C-shaped channel with your right hand. I believe that hand hold positions are opposite for the right-hand door. The doors are relatively heavy. Pull the door upward so it swings toward the side of the dumpster. Each door has a built-in metal stop which holds the door in the vertical position. 

2) The dumpster doors are heavy. Opening the door is a two-handed operation. Caution: Do not place your hand in the door opening when closing the door or you may be pinched / injured by the heavy falling door. The doors may be too heavy for a senior or a child to open. Recommendations: Opening and closing the heavy doors may require two people. Consider changing the design to utilize lighter aluminum doors. The aluminum doors may require some kind of reinforcing to prevent damage and / or distortion. It may be possible to fit the heavy steel doors with counterweights which swing to the side of the dumpster.  The counterweights would make the doors easier to open. Careful design of the counterweights would be necessary to prevent a pinching hazard.

3) The dumpsters are relatively high and present an ergonomic hazard for seniors, children, and people who are not very strong. Recommendation: If the height of the dumpsters was less (perhaps one foot lower), more leverage could be applied to the door without stressing or injuring a dumpster user. 

4) The dumpster was not properly prepared prior to placement. There are some carabiners clips (snap-clips) attached to lanyards on top of the dumpster. (Note: I believe that the carabiner clip is a secondary latch which interfaces with a steel eyelet on the side of each door.) The carabiner clips were wrapped with polyethylene foam sheet and packing tape. Note: I removed the polyethylene sheet and packing tape. These materials interfere with the use of the carabiner clip. The foam and tape would degrade over time due to exposure to ultraviolet light.)

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