How to choose an eco-friendly Christmas tree

2022-08-13 00:32:00 By : Ms. Echo Zhang

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Real or artificial: what's the most environmentally friendly Christmas tree?

The Christmas tree is a real festive focal point in our homes throughout December, and particularly so on Christmas Day, when we gather to share and unwrap the presents nestled beneath its branches.

But the Christmas tree courts its fair share of controversy and sparks many a debate. For instance, where do you stand on tinsel? Then there's the matter of whether the tree decorations should be colour co-ordinated, or perhaps follow a theme? When do you put the tree up (apparently, the majority of us - two thirds - think it's OK to put it up in the first half of December, but not before, research by Admiral reveals)? And then, of course, there's the biggest question of them all for environmentally minded consumers: what's the most environmentally friendly Christmas tree - a real one or a fake one?

While we can’t settle the first few disputes for you, we can shed some light on the sustainability of real and artificial trees. Here's what you need to know.

When it comes to choosing an environmentally friendly Christmas tree, a lot rides on its carbon footprint. While it may seem counter-intuitive that cutting down a tree could ever be an environmentally friendly option, the Carbon Trust says that a real Christmas tree has a much smaller carbon footprint than a similar-sized, artificial tree.

This is partly because of the carbon emissions that are produced when an artificial tree is manufactured, but also because it is made from plastic, which has a high carbon footprint.

By now, we all know that trees, woods and forests play a key role in storing carbon and tackling the climate crisis, so when you're buying a Christmas tree, check the sustainability credentials of the supplier. Forestry England has Christmas tree sales centres across the country, offering real Christmas trees grown in the UK and certified by Grown in Britain. All its Norway spruce trees are certified by both Grown in Britain and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Choosing a Grown in Britain-certified tree can also help to reduce the risk of unwanted pests spreading to this country and helps protects that nation's forests.

A real tree, on the other hand, absorbs carbon as it grows. If you dispose of a cut tree at the end of the festive season by burning it (if you can do so safely), this stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere, so the tree hasn’t added to the amount of carbon in the environment. Chipping a cut tree and spreading it on the garden is another eco-friendly way of disposing of it – or you could have it collected for recycling. Search for a recycling point near you that accepts real Christmas trees using the Recycle Now Local Recycling search tool.

If a tree gets sent to landfill, however, it will give off methane as it decomposes, which is very damaging to the environment.

If you buy a tree in a pot to reuse, the tree can keep on growing and absorbing carbon. Alternatively, you can rent a potted tree through schemes such as You’ll pay around £40 to rent a 6ft tree.

If you already own an artificial Christmas tree, or if you can’t bear the thought of vacuuming up needles long after Christmas has past, you’ll need to use it for at least 10 years before its carbon footprint matches the total carbon footprint of buying a real tree every year for a decade.

As artificial trees are made of a number of different materials, they can’t be recycled. If you opt to fake it, it makes sense to buy the best quality tree you can afford and use it for as long as possible.

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