Pink and black slimy residue: York County restaurant inspections May 28 | Restaurant Inspections |

2022-08-19 23:24:36 By : Mr. Frank pang

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The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.

Collinsville Drive-In, 2730 Delta Rd, May 19, Pass. Table mounted can opener and potato cutter blades, food contact surfaces, were observed to have food residue and were not clean to sight and touch. Walk in cooler door threshold is made of wood and is rough and not cleanable. Floor in the back kitchen area is made of cement, and is not durable, smooth, non-porous, or non-absorbent. Floor in the back kitchen area is made of cement and is cracked / roughened / and is not a smooth, easily cleanable surface. Two light shields in the front kitchen area are displaced and would not protect foods and equipment from contamination in the event a bulb broke. Loose rubber door gaskets observed on the sandwich preparation cooling unit. 

Good 2 Go, 500 E Main St, May 19, Fail. Facility did not have Sanitizer required for proper ware washing of food equipment.  The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of the PA Food Code as evidenced by incorrect responses to food safety questions. The Person in Charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection. Observed insecticides or rodenticides (Raid Ant and Roach, Raid Wasp and Hornet) on a wire shelf directly over three basin sinks, not labeled by the manufacturer as approved for use in a food facility. Three-compartment sink for manual ware washing is being utilized as storage area for miscellaneous supplies. Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration. 

Conewago Inn, 3480 York Haven Rd, May 16, Fail. The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection. Can opener cutting blade is broken. Single door freezer motor cover has been removed exposing motor and fixtures that are dirty and not easily cleanable as required. Soda gun dispensers and holsters, food contact surfaces, were observed to have pink and black slimy residue and were not clean to sight and touch. Table mounted can opener cutting blade, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. Food containers stacked and stored as clean are observed to have old labels and sticky residue. Consumer utensils are stored in direct contact with surfaces that are not clean to sight and touch. The Bain marie cutting board is extremely discolored/stained. Food facility has a certified food employee, but they are not employed in a position to act as the Person in Charge during their working hours. Perimeter wall in the storage area of the food facility has two holes to the outside approximately 2" diameter each that do not protect from weather and entry of insects. The handwash sink in the bar area does not have single use towels, continuous towels, or air drying devices. Insect webbing observed on the upper portion of walls in the kitchen area and throughout the back storage room. Food employees observed in the kitchen area, not wearing proper hair restraints, such as beard covers. Observed wet wiping cloths in kitchen, food preparation and bar areas, not being stored in sanitizer solution. Condensate drip trays / lines in the non -smoking bar cooler refrigeration case are not sloped to allow for proper drainage of condensation. First aid supplies (pill form medications) being stored in kitchen area, near foods / equipment, and a possible source of contamination.  Observed equipment fixtures and piping behind the cooks line with an accumulation of dust, dirt, oil, food residue, debris on non-food contact surfaces. Food ingredient squeeze bottles and food containers in the kitchen and non-smoking bar area are extremely dirty and in need of cleaning. Clean food equipment and/or utensils in back storage area, stored uncovered or not inverted. Ceiling in the kitchen area is cracked exposing insulation and is not a smooth, easily cleanable surface. Walls and floors under kitchen equipment are extremely dirty, dusty, and in need of cleaning. In use utensils (tongs) stored in direct contact with surfaces that are not clean to sight and touch and exposed to contamination by employee clothing. Shelving near the ware-washing machine is lined with foil which is not considered easily cleanable as required. Interior floor of the beer cooler in the bar area is lined with cardboard which is not smooth, non-absorbent and easily cleanable as required. Chlorine chemical sanitizer residual detected in the final sanitizer rinse cycle of the low temperature sanitizing dishwasher located in the bar was 0 ppm, and not 50-100 ppm as required. Mechanical warewashing equipment had a calcium/lime buildup observed inside. Employee personal items such as cell phone charger were observed on the bain marie and preparation table, and not stored in dressing rooms or identified storage areas as required.

Montego Bay Cuisine, 2582 Eastern Blvd, May 20, Fail. Salmon vacuum packed and received frozen located in the walk-in cooler completely thawed and still in original packaging. Refrigerated ready to eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared in the food facility and held for more than 24 hours, located in the walk in cooler, is not being date marked. Personal food, medications, toys etc. throughout the front portion of the kitchen area of the food facility, indicating use of the food facility for childcare purposes. The food Employee did not follow proper handwashing procedure. Bulk bags of rice stored directly on the floor in the kitchen area and cases of raw vegetables in the walk-in cooler rather than 6 inches off of the floor as required. Steam table equipment, in the kitchen area, has non-food contact surfaces - (foam board being used as air shield) exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling. Non-food contact surfaces of bulk dry ingredient hoppers are not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil. Floor in the kitchen area is made of cement, is damaged, pitted and cracked and is not an easily cleanable surface as required. Vegetable and beef patties were held at 115°F, in the hot hold located in the customer service area, rather than 135°F or above as required. Plumbing system not maintained in good repair. A bottle of children's bubble liquid with a wand inside was stored above or on the ice machine located in the kitchen area. Children's medication, diaper cleaning supplies are stored on the cooling unit in the kitchen. The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection. Labels are not being removed from five gallon ingredient buckets. Ice machine deflector plate, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. Clean food equipment and/or utensils in the kitchen area, stored uncovered or not inverted. A Food Employee Certification is displayed, but the individual is a business partner who does not routinely work at the food facility. Soap dispenser at the handwashing sink is broken and does not release soap when the dispensing lever is depressed. Paper towel dispenser empty at the handwashing sink in the kitchen area. Ceiling tiles are stained and displaced throughout the kitchen area, and need replacing.

Valley View Elementary School, 850 Southern Rd, May 20, Pass. No violations. 

Premier Brewing Company, 330 Town Center Dr, May 17, Pass. No violations. 

Janina’s Fine Desserts, 176 Leader Heights Rd, May 17, Pass. Cell phones stored on food storage shelves with foods

Rite Aid, 115 Leader Heights Rd, May 17, Pass. Liquid laundry soap being stored in a storage room area on shelving beside Pop Ice freeze pops. Pints of ice cream displayed for sale are coated in thick layer of frozen condensate compromising the integrity of the packaging. Interior surfaces of the pint ice cream display case have heavy accumulation of frozen condensate.

Royal Farms, 2605 S Queen St, May 17, Pass. The floor / wall juncture in the toilet room hallway area is not covered and closed to 1/32 inch. Black tape used to repair the powdered cappuccino machine door.  Microwave oven door handles are broken off creating a crevice that does not facilitate cleaning. Box of raw chicken stored directly on the floor inside the walk in cooler, rather than 6 inches off of the floor as required. The potato cutter, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. 

Starbucks, 2685 S Queen St, May 17, Pass. Sponge observed inside a food pitcher filled with cleaning solution. Wet wiping cloths in the front area near the hand wash sink, not being stored in a sanitizer solution. 

Memory Lane Pizza, 162 Memory Ln, May 18, Fail.  Time in lieu of temperature being used in the food facility to control ready to eat potentially hazardous foods such as pizza(s) without written procedures or documentation to verify disposition of food. Laminate shelving, a non-food contact surface in mixer area, has a ledge, projection, or crevice that does not facilitate cleaning and maintenance. Ice machine motor cover plate has been removed exposing motor and interior motor housing. Loose rubber door gaskets observed on the double door freezer and both cooling units. Can opener cutting blade stored as clean, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. A working container of chlorine sanitizer was stored on the ice machine.  Observed wet wiping cloths in food preparation and ware washing areas, not being stored in sanitizer solution. Commercially processed refrigerated, ready to eat, time/temperature control for safety food, located in the sandwich bain marie, and held more than 24 hours, is not being marked with the date it was opened. Refrigerated ready to eat, time/temperature control for safety foods such as protein salads, sliced lunch meats, par-fried chicken wings and sliced cheeses prepared in the food facility and held for more than 24 hours, located in the walk-in cooler, are not date marked. The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection. Food Employee observed donning single use gloves without a prior hand wash. Not enough drainboards, utensil racks, or tables to allow for storage of soiled and/or cleaned items before and after cleaning as evidenced by dirty dough trays on the floor. Food employee personal belongings on shelf with foods, utensils and single service items in the mixer area. Observed in-use utensils stored directly under stove top burner unit, exposing food contact surfaces to contamination from unclean surfaces during storage and when retrieved for use. Single service soufflé cup used as dispensing utensil in bulk spice container. Masking tape is being used to repair the broken area of the slicer directly under the food contact tray. Tape is not an approved material for repair of food equipment. The chlorine concentration in the sanitizing solution of the wiping cloth bucket was less than 10 ppm, rather than 50-100 ppm as required. Light shield near the flat grill is cracked and broken. ood facility is using chlorine Sanitizer at an extremely high concentration of greater than 200 ppm, not approved in the Code of Federal Regulations for food contact sanitizing at this level.

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The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection repor…

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.

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