Readers sound off on President Biden, Verizon’s rates and the death penalty – New York Daily News

2022-05-28 10:16:58 By : Mr. Mike Long

Warrenville, S.C.: After seeing that President Biden’s approval rating was 39%, I have to wonder who these supporters are. No one in their right mind would appreciate a rotten economy, weakness on the world stage or being lied to on a daily basis. When Biden ran for president, he said he would unite us. That was a bald-faced lie. His latest statement saying the GOP is an “existential threat” should tell all that he is talking about the half of the country that voted for Donald Trump.

I’ve never seen a more incompetent, power-crazed president than Biden, who refuses to take responsibility for his ill-conceived actions. He blames Russia for higher gas and food prices. He shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline in our country, allowing Russia to open theirs up overseas. He has allowed baby formula to be scarce throughout our country with the exception of stocked shelves full of formula at the border for the illegal immigrants infiltrating our country. He also takes no responsibility for the shootings in liberal states that refuse to enforce the law, turning our country into a combat zone.

I don’t think that this is what all of the Democrats want. If liberal socialists think they can get away with destroying what took over 200 years to build, they are sadly mistaken. I’ll be the first to admit that I take it personally when I watch the country I fought for in Vietnam (100% disabled due to war wounds) go down the proverbial drain. I would rather fight than switch. Gregory J. Topliff

President Joe Biden listens in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, May 17, 2022. (Susan Walsh/AP)

Ormond Beach, Fla.: What is happening to America? Surely, the damage from President Biden’s policies, decisions and the incompetence of his staff is affecting everyone, liberals and conservatives. Many of us on both sides of the political spectrum predicted that an administration driven by the extreme radical left wing of the Democratic Party would result in open borders, high inflation, increased crime and more polarization and division. Many believed that President Biden would do a better job of bringing us together. Yet we see the same name-calling, stereotyping and insulting remarks that we saw from Hillary Clinton with her “basket of deplorables” and from Barack Obama and his Bible- and gun-clinging stereotypes of the right. It’s hard to believe that a fully functioning Joe Biden who is in control and acting as the typically moderate person he has been most of his career would be creating this kind of rancor. Charles Michael Sitero

Oak Ridge, N.J.: So for some months now we have had a hard time finding food for our pets — now we can’t even get food for an infant. Really? Can we all just get off our asses, stop complaining (except me, who is working, and my awesome Daily News deliveryperson) and go to damn work already? Stock market crashing, diesel more than 6 bucks a gallon on the East Coast — which, by the way, takes less refining than gas, so I’m confused on that one — so all shipping via anything diesel is more money; our president “releases” some “stash gas” stock that’s good for one day last month — eh, what?! Free COVID test kits in the mail should have been free weed so we could all feel better. The saying is anything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Well, I’m freakin’ Charles Atlas right about now. Come on, Joe, get it together. James Heimbuch

Forest Hills: Verizon is going to increase their (our) rates. Why? On every channel, whether network or cable, at least every 10 minutes if not sooner, there are more commercials than programming, which means that the advertisers pay the cable companies and the customers are paying the cable companies (double payment). I would ask the FCC (Forget Consumers Completely) to intervene, but they get a piece of the pie when you pay your phone bill. Another do-nothing agency. So the shareholders won’t make as much money. Too bad. Sherri Rosen

San Francisco: Re “Composer Vangelis, famous for the ‘Chariots of Fire’ soundtrack, dead at 79″ (May 19): If ever there was an instance of a film winning the Best Picture Oscar primarily because of the musical score accompanying its opening sequence, “Chariots of Fire” was it thanks to Vangelis’ iconic title track. Vangelis won the Best Original Score Oscar that year, beating out John Williams’ theme from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and Randy Newman’s “Ragtime.” Before “Chariots,” Vangelis’ music was used in Carl Sagan’s PBS series “Cosmos.” Stephen A. Silver

Brooklyn: A lot of times, people speak too much and wish that they would speak less. One way is to cover your mouth with masking tape. That can help you talk a lot less and have a more peaceful, harmonious household and thus be happier and more productive. Shlomo Klein

Flushing: Aaron Judge “bets” on himself, doesn’t take the pay the Yankees offer him and he is having a great year. Francisco Lindor cons Stevie Cohen by saying he wouldn’t negotiate any contract once last season started. Cohen, a sharp businessman, takes the bait and pays him $300 million-plus for 10 years. Sorry, Stevie, but you got conned! Ben Jordon

Irvington, N.Y.: Re “Get the kids their shots” (editorial, May 15): It seems like this requires a bit more context: ”At its peak, measles killed about 500 Americans a year.” According to the CDC, “In 1912, measles became a nationally notifiable disease in the United States, requiring U.S. healthcare providers and laboratories to report all diagnosed cases. In the first decade of reporting, an average of 6,000 measles-related deaths were reported each year. In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles.” Christine McKenna

Hazlet, N.J.: Re the May 19 Crossword: Whim = Caprice. Sponge = Cadge (Cadge??). What is this, the New York Times? Lol. I love a challenge but cadge!? The puzzles are enjoyable. Keep pushing us (I guess). Deb Loeber

Oceanside, L.I.: After the recent supermarket shooting in Buffalo, the politicians calling for more gun control laws are b.s. Especially with the new, untraceable, 3D-printed guns. What has to be done is strongly enforce the current laws and, especially, make an example of what can happen if you’re caught with a gun during a felony. This person should be immediately put in jail — no bail — until his trial, and if convicted, his sentence should be so harsh (perhaps bring back the death penalty) as to send a definite message to anyone thinking of perpetrating a similar offense. A guarantee of the same punishment should be shouted loud and clear so that future perps will, perhaps, think twice before committing the crime. John F. Rossano

Richmond, Va.: The sick teenager who committed the horrible crime in the shooting of 10 people in Buffalo will go to trial, probably have a court-appointed lawyer who will probably plead insanity on his behalf, and he will be found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. There he will have room and board plus medical care — all free, paid for by the taxpayers, yet he will still be alive and breathing, not like the people he killed. I would say that he, being alive, is a lucky young man. If this crime was committed back in the 1800s, he would have been hanged by the neck, not breathing, like the people he killed. Marty Goodman

Staten Island: I agree with Voicer John Ray about “your body, your choice.” The ladies of “The View” say “your body, your choice” about abortion but they sang a different tune about the vaccination! Wouldn’t listen to “my body, my choice.” But then again, they’re always right! Maria Saporito

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