Kite Festival Today and Tomorrow in Eureka - Redheaded Blackbelt

2022-05-28 10:17:57 By : Ms. Happy Cheng

News, nature, and community throughout the Emerald Triangle

Kites! [Photo by Anna Hamilton]The Redwood Coast Kite Festival is happening at Halvorsen Park (near the Samoa Bridge in Eureka). Free kite flying and free watching.

Kites! [Photo by Anna Hamilton]

According to Dan Pambianco of Eddy AndersonAlexander, it was last held locally in 1993.

Pambianco told us that Mark Ahrens, the Event Coordinator, Mark and the Humboldt Kiters felt Eureka was a great place to restart the event after COVID restrictions.

“Every part of the kiting activity is FREE, and supported by sponsors,” Pambianco told us. “They are also taking donations. Live music will be featured both days.”

One of my favorite local musicians, Anna Hamilton, is playing tomorrow. But there is live music and colorful kites!

Check out the events here!

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So many cool kites. A must see..

We had a great time!

Yay, Humboldt Kiters! They’re a DreamMaker project of the Ink People doing fantastic and fun community work.

Looks like Dan Pambianco works for Eddy Alexander, which is the city of Eureka’s marketing agency. 🙂

Fun!! I saw this event while riding the rainbow route(city bus) on Saturday. I wish I knew about this event sooner!!! I will take my kids on Sunday(2.5 mile walk) but without public transportation it makes it hard to get there if you don’t have a car.

Took my Mom yesterday, had a many unique kites!!!

Did my part. Made a classic diamond kite with brown paper bags, masking tape, hemp twine, bamboo sticks. Kept spinning out of control. Probably needed a standard ribbon-like tail. I used twine with sticks as weights. The flyline attachment strings, top-to-bottom and side-to-side, may have been off center also, or, too centered. The five year olds who made kites at the free kite kit table had better luck than I did, but, theirs were all poly, and store bought kits. Next time I might go poly: trash bag, tent poles, triangle delta shape, looong ribbon tail, fishing line, hot glue or packing tape. However, with all the positive feedback from the elders my age, reminding them of their childhood kites using the Sunday morning funnies, I could stay all natural and rethink my crash-and-burner. At least I didn’t Charlie Brown it. Can’t have a kite festival without a treed kite. There was ONE tree there . . . and it had a kite in it.

Yeah, I think the process was more fun than standing there with a kite flying. Craft supplies (uh, from the granddaughter, yeah, that’s it) spread all over our back deck. Flight testing in the windless street in front of the house. Running through that fresh, poorly mowed field, stumbling over mounds of uncut brush packed with cut grass, stepping in gopher mine shafts, wife behind me tossing up the kite (one time even getting it tangled in her hair) yelling, “run Forest, run!” But, if mine actually got some lift . . . wwellll, I might be singing a sweeter tune. Still loads of fun. Except for my sciatic now. Gotta stretch.

I got such a kick out of you telling all your experiences on at the Kite event. I appreciate you sharing your fun.

So f%#cking funny! Still laughing!!!

Thank you to the organizers of this, the 10 year old in the 50+ me had loads of fun. We don’t need an event to fly a kite, just a windy day. A kid by your side or a kid at heart doesn’t hurt. Next time (next weekend?) we’ll plan ahead and bring one of the grandkids.

When is the next one? Anybody know?

Next year about this time? Or the next windy day. I’ve seen some of those huge kites out there on random windy days. There’s a website for this group listed above at the end of the article.